Learn How to Sail


Learn How to Sail

Learning how to sail is an exhilarating adventure. While the LYC membership boasts a wide range of abilities and experience when it comes to sailing many of our Members came to the Club with no prior training. The competences our Members learn at the Club through our various training programs as well as through exposure to sailing and racing are lifelong skills which have allowed many of them to sail in faraway places whether racing in international tournaments or pleasure sailing in the Mediterranean or Caribbean with their families. Join LYC and discover the thrills of harnessing the power of the wind.

Racing & Sailing

From its foundation in 1932, the Lagos Yacht Club has always been primarily interested in racing...

Types of Boats

The Club has four main classes of boats catering to all tastes and levels of experience including…


Learning how to sail is an exhilarating adventure. While the LYC membership boasts a wide...

Party & Events

While sailing is the heartbeat of the Lagos Yacht Club we also have a vibrant social calendar with...